Prevention Happens Here,
With Your Participation
Calling all parents, educators, doctors, faith-based organization leaders, policy makers, and prevention professionals — We all need to be made more aware of our shared efforts and the role they play in building healthier kids, families, and adults all across the commonwealth. For many years, prevention efforts have focused on an individual-level: that is, attempting to change a person’s mind. The evolving science of prevention, however, has shown that it is much more effective to change a person’s environment. These new types of strategies have the potential to create longer-term change. We want to rally everyone to the cause of prevention and highlight the effectiveness of collaboration.
We invite you to simply hang up a sign in your office, put a sticker on your window, or launch your own campaign to show those we care about that there is a community out there to support them.
Check out our free downloadable Prevention Happens Here resources. Customized options are also available.
Prevention Happens Here
Customizable Local Billboards
(English or Spanish)
*Must be coordinated with local media provider. We have contacts for outdoor media providers all across Pennsylvania.
Layout & Design: $250 per design. Placement: TBD
(Minimum Quantity: 1)
Prevention Happens Here
5x5 Window Clings
(English or Spanish)
$2.75 per item
(Minimum Quantity: 10)
Your Input is Crucial!
Our mission is to provide prevention professionals, like you, with actionable resources to help spread the word on prevention.
To that end, we need to know who is downloading and using the materials as early in the action phase as possible. Please fill out our brief, three-question survey to ensure that we are able to keep creating and making these products available and free to use.
Your input is highly valued and appreciated, and plays an important role in allowing us to develop more and diverse messaging. Please give us just a few minutes of your time: